For the better part of two years now I've been a huge fan of podcasts. I had no idea what they were when they first hit the Internet, but slowly I started coming around. Podcasts are kind of like radio shows, but there's no commercials (usually) and any idiot with a microphone and GarageBand can make one (remember that part, too).
The first one I heard was SModcast. It's Kevin Smith and his producer/best friend Scott Mosier basically shooting the shit for an hour or so each week. It's hilarious and I look forward to it each time it starts downloading. After that, I looked around for more. Most news sites have old broadcasts in podcast form, Ira Glass has This American Life, ESPN's Bill Simmons has The BS Report (which is a close second to SModcast, in my opinion) and so on.
At first I thought you had to have access to professional microphones and all kinds of technical stuff, because they were basically radio shows. Then smaller podcasts started showing up everywhere and a lot of them were done on the cheap by people I know. A Damn Podcast is great and so is The Geek Show Podcast. After I heard those, I realized that literally anyone could have their own podcast.
With that, we decided that GCA should jump on the bandwagon. Only problem was that Dan and I together tend to talk about things that only interest us, and while they're great conversations usually, they might get a little boring. So we needed a Wild Card, of sorts. Someone that would speak before thinking and had a completely different outlook on things. So we called The Big Dogg. And since then, he's been the lifeblood of GCAcast with his crazy theories and tall tales.
Dan wanted to go with more of a magazine/newscast style with a few news stories, a new song review and then a feature, and that's the format we've been running with. When he moved out to NYC, Sias came on board and we've been rolling with he, Casey and myself ever since.
This is where the ripple effect would start up again as we jump back to the present.
GCAcast 11 went up last week and you should check it out.
It's gotten some pretty solid reviews and great pull quotes like these:
"It's the most boring thing I've ever heard." - Danny Payne
"I've honestly never made it through an episode." - Brook Lund
So if you're interested in hearing three dudes wax intellectual on things that no one really cares about, then check it out. Each episode is an hour of your life that you will never get back.
We were born to waste your time.
GCAcast on iTunes
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