Them Crooked Vultures is pretty great and I love Dave Grohl. Here's a little something to break up your Monday afternoon monotony.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
The Jazz are the team just keep on giving.
They're terrible, but somehow I've figured out a way to write about them three times over the past week.
Earlier this week in New Orleans, Gordon Hayward had a terrible game. He's usually pretty good, but that night, he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. It wasn't for lack of effort though. He shot 17 times. Only one of them went in. Hayward was 1 for 17 in 39 minutes and ended up with 6 points (four came from free throws). He did have 6 rebounds and 11 assists, but still, 1 for 17 is pretty bad.
Everyone has bad games and it's bound to happen over the course of a season.
The next day, former Jazz center and 3-point guru Mehmet Okur reached out to Hayward and offered him some encouragement. It was an amazing gesture and one that I'm sure Hayward appreciated.
Okur just picked the absolute worst Tweet to respond to. The wording he used didn't help a single bit, either.
The Jazz play in Dallas tonight. Yesterday, on their day off, Corbin took the team to The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination.
They're terrible, but somehow I've figured out a way to write about them three times over the past week.
Earlier this week in New Orleans, Gordon Hayward had a terrible game. He's usually pretty good, but that night, he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. It wasn't for lack of effort though. He shot 17 times. Only one of them went in. Hayward was 1 for 17 in 39 minutes and ended up with 6 points (four came from free throws). He did have 6 rebounds and 11 assists, but still, 1 for 17 is pretty bad.
Everyone has bad games and it's bound to happen over the course of a season.
The next day, former Jazz center and 3-point guru Mehmet Okur reached out to Hayward and offered him some encouragement. It was an amazing gesture and one that I'm sure Hayward appreciated.
Okur just picked the absolute worst Tweet to respond to. The wording he used didn't help a single bit, either.
The Jazz play in Dallas tonight. Yesterday, on their day off, Corbin took the team to The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination.
ha ha ha,
Thursday, November 21, 2013
I’m a “glass half-empty” kinda guy. That’s just the way it is. I try to judge things by the finished product and not do the typical Internet thing where I hate a project before it’s even started, but sometimes I just can’t.
PREACHER is a project that I’ve hated pretty much since its live-action inception was announced almost a decade ago.
Let’s back up a bit. PREACHER is a comic written by Garth Ennis and drawn by Steve Dillon. It’s about a Texas preacher possessed by a supernatural creature named Genesis. Genesis is the product of the coupling of an angel and a demon, making it the most powerful thing in existence. Once this power is manifested in Jesse Custer, God quits ruling Heaven and goes into hiding. Custer goes looking for him. Along the way, he picks up his old girlfriend Tulip and brings along an alcoholic vampire named Cassidy. Oh yeah, he has to avoid the Saint of Killers, too. He’s basically the angel of death out to get rid of Genesis and whatever form it’s become.
It sounds ridiculous on paper and it’s a little ridiculous in the comic, too. But it’s also fantastic. I re-read the entire series last winter and it still holds up really well. There are a few filler stories to pad the run because Ennis wanted the final issue to be number 66, but overall it’s brilliant, crazy, sweet, heartbreaking and just flat out awesome.
But the chances of it being anything other than a great comic were slim to none. I’m a firm believer that anything that spends over a decade trying to get made doesn’t need to be made. There’s always a reason that it hasn’t worked and most likely won’t work at all, no matter how hard you try. See: GANGSTER SQUAD, RUM PUNCH, etc.
Mark Steven Johnson was the first guy tasked with taking it from a comic to TV. You remember Mark Steven Johnson, don’t you? He wrote classics like GRUMPY OLD MEN, GRUMPIER OLD MEN and directed great, legendary films like SIMON BIRCH, DAREDEVIL and GHOST RIDER. That was the guy that was supposed to bring PREACHER to life. No one held their breath and after a few years the project died. It kept bouncing around and everyone from James Marsden to Kevin Smith was attached at some point. Eventually it landed in the lap of Sam Mendes and while I didn’t get excited, I was a little bit hopeful. Mendes made AMERICAN BEAUTY, ROAD TO PERDITION and SKYFALL, so there was a little bit of promise. But he’s pretty committed to a couple more James Bond movies, so that fell apart.
Things were pretty quiet on the PREACHER front until a few days ago when AMC announced that they were taking the series to pilot. Just like that. No other information was provided.
When I saw that, I didn’t really know how to feel. AMC aired amazing shows like BREAKING BAD and MAD MEN, so that was a plus. But AMC executives are also fucking morons. They almost cancelled BREAKING BAD after the fourth season because they didn’t want to pay anyone. They panicked at the last minute when FX stepped in and said, “If AMC doesn’t want you, come over here. We’ll let you do whatever you want.”
They also don’t own either of those shows. Sony owned BREAKING BAD and Lionsgate owns MAD MEN. AMC is just the network it airs on, so they don’t really have much say in what happens within the show. The two shows they own outright are THE WALKING DEAD and LOW WINTER SUN. I still watch it, but for every good thing it does, THE WALKING DEAD does two or three other things that I absolutely hate. It’s just not very good, but has the potential to be great. All AMC cares about is the numbers it gets. They couldn’t care less about the actual quality. And LOW WINTER SUN got such bad reviews that I deleted it from my DVR without watching a single episode.
So if it was going to be a full-on AMC enterprise, I was preparing for the worst. Then more details started to come out and I started getting a little excited.
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg were the guys behind it. Sony is the studio producing it, AMC is just the network it’ll air on. I was already hopeful with two guys like Rogen and Goldberg (they wrote SUPERBAD, THIS IS THE END and THE GREEN HORNET) on board, but then I read that Sam Catlin was also on board. That’s when I got more excited.
Sam Catlin was one of the main writers and executive producers on BREAKING BAD. He wrote and directed the Season 5 episode “Rabid Dog” where Walt has to try to convince Skyler that he had a pump malfunction when Jesse tried to burn down their house. He wrote a bunch of other great episodes throughout the series, too.
With those three calling the shots, Sony picking up the tab and AMC relegated to simply airing the episodes, it might actually work.
Then again, there is the little question about how you market a show that boils down to one man’s quest to tell God to go fuck himself while talking to the ghost of John Wayne and being chased by a guy in a duster and cowboy hat that can’t be killed – even when a nuclear bomb is dropped on him. Also, let’s not forget the vampire, the inbred, mentally challenged child with the last pure bloodline of Jesus Christ and a guy that makes sex toys out of raw meat.
If they can get over those hurdles, anything is possible.
PREACHER is a project that I’ve hated pretty much since its live-action inception was announced almost a decade ago.
Let’s back up a bit. PREACHER is a comic written by Garth Ennis and drawn by Steve Dillon. It’s about a Texas preacher possessed by a supernatural creature named Genesis. Genesis is the product of the coupling of an angel and a demon, making it the most powerful thing in existence. Once this power is manifested in Jesse Custer, God quits ruling Heaven and goes into hiding. Custer goes looking for him. Along the way, he picks up his old girlfriend Tulip and brings along an alcoholic vampire named Cassidy. Oh yeah, he has to avoid the Saint of Killers, too. He’s basically the angel of death out to get rid of Genesis and whatever form it’s become.
It sounds ridiculous on paper and it’s a little ridiculous in the comic, too. But it’s also fantastic. I re-read the entire series last winter and it still holds up really well. There are a few filler stories to pad the run because Ennis wanted the final issue to be number 66, but overall it’s brilliant, crazy, sweet, heartbreaking and just flat out awesome.
But the chances of it being anything other than a great comic were slim to none. I’m a firm believer that anything that spends over a decade trying to get made doesn’t need to be made. There’s always a reason that it hasn’t worked and most likely won’t work at all, no matter how hard you try. See: GANGSTER SQUAD, RUM PUNCH, etc.
Mark Steven Johnson was the first guy tasked with taking it from a comic to TV. You remember Mark Steven Johnson, don’t you? He wrote classics like GRUMPY OLD MEN, GRUMPIER OLD MEN and directed great, legendary films like SIMON BIRCH, DAREDEVIL and GHOST RIDER. That was the guy that was supposed to bring PREACHER to life. No one held their breath and after a few years the project died. It kept bouncing around and everyone from James Marsden to Kevin Smith was attached at some point. Eventually it landed in the lap of Sam Mendes and while I didn’t get excited, I was a little bit hopeful. Mendes made AMERICAN BEAUTY, ROAD TO PERDITION and SKYFALL, so there was a little bit of promise. But he’s pretty committed to a couple more James Bond movies, so that fell apart.
Things were pretty quiet on the PREACHER front until a few days ago when AMC announced that they were taking the series to pilot. Just like that. No other information was provided.
When I saw that, I didn’t really know how to feel. AMC aired amazing shows like BREAKING BAD and MAD MEN, so that was a plus. But AMC executives are also fucking morons. They almost cancelled BREAKING BAD after the fourth season because they didn’t want to pay anyone. They panicked at the last minute when FX stepped in and said, “If AMC doesn’t want you, come over here. We’ll let you do whatever you want.”
They also don’t own either of those shows. Sony owned BREAKING BAD and Lionsgate owns MAD MEN. AMC is just the network it airs on, so they don’t really have much say in what happens within the show. The two shows they own outright are THE WALKING DEAD and LOW WINTER SUN. I still watch it, but for every good thing it does, THE WALKING DEAD does two or three other things that I absolutely hate. It’s just not very good, but has the potential to be great. All AMC cares about is the numbers it gets. They couldn’t care less about the actual quality. And LOW WINTER SUN got such bad reviews that I deleted it from my DVR without watching a single episode.
So if it was going to be a full-on AMC enterprise, I was preparing for the worst. Then more details started to come out and I started getting a little excited.
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg were the guys behind it. Sony is the studio producing it, AMC is just the network it’ll air on. I was already hopeful with two guys like Rogen and Goldberg (they wrote SUPERBAD, THIS IS THE END and THE GREEN HORNET) on board, but then I read that Sam Catlin was also on board. That’s when I got more excited.
Sam Catlin was one of the main writers and executive producers on BREAKING BAD. He wrote and directed the Season 5 episode “Rabid Dog” where Walt has to try to convince Skyler that he had a pump malfunction when Jesse tried to burn down their house. He wrote a bunch of other great episodes throughout the series, too.
With those three calling the shots, Sony picking up the tab and AMC relegated to simply airing the episodes, it might actually work.
Then again, there is the little question about how you market a show that boils down to one man’s quest to tell God to go fuck himself while talking to the ghost of John Wayne and being chased by a guy in a duster and cowboy hat that can’t be killed – even when a nuclear bomb is dropped on him. Also, let’s not forget the vampire, the inbred, mentally challenged child with the last pure bloodline of Jesus Christ and a guy that makes sex toys out of raw meat.
If they can get over those hurdles, anything is possible.
breaking bad,
BREAKING BAD ended a while back. It's been a rough couple of months without a TV show to get invested in. I always save BOARDWALK EMPIRE for full-season binge watching, so that's out.
I dove right in to season 6 of SONS OF ANARCHY, but the quality of the writing and storytelling and characters was so different and so much worse that it was hard to watch. But then I spent 6 weeks watching the slightly entertaining but utterly horrible execution of everything that is THE WALKING DEAD. After that, SONS OF ANARCHY has been looking pretty god damn brilliant.
But it still makes me miss BREAKING BAD. They're rolling out the complete set on DVD pretty soon, so a few of the special features are starting to make their way around online. On one of them, a documentary crew filmed everyone for a huge documentary about the making of the last season. They had cameras in the room when Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul read the final episode for the first time.
They divided the parts between them and read it together in Cranston's living room. It's just great. These two lived with those characters for so long that it must be hard to let go. I can only imagine what it's like to finally get to the end of something that you work so hard on.
If you guys don't see me for about a month this winter, it's because I'm holed up in my apartment watching these 62 episodes all over again and pretending that some day I'll be able to write something so god damn awesome.
I dove right in to season 6 of SONS OF ANARCHY, but the quality of the writing and storytelling and characters was so different and so much worse that it was hard to watch. But then I spent 6 weeks watching the slightly entertaining but utterly horrible execution of everything that is THE WALKING DEAD. After that, SONS OF ANARCHY has been looking pretty god damn brilliant.
But it still makes me miss BREAKING BAD. They're rolling out the complete set on DVD pretty soon, so a few of the special features are starting to make their way around online. On one of them, a documentary crew filmed everyone for a huge documentary about the making of the last season. They had cameras in the room when Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul read the final episode for the first time.
They divided the parts between them and read it together in Cranston's living room. It's just great. These two lived with those characters for so long that it must be hard to let go. I can only imagine what it's like to finally get to the end of something that you work so hard on.
If you guys don't see me for about a month this winter, it's because I'm holed up in my apartment watching these 62 episodes all over again and pretending that some day I'll be able to write something so god damn awesome.
breaking bad,
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Freddy Mercury and Queen.
fat bottoms,
Monday, November 18, 2013
NOVEMBER 18, 1985
On this day 28 years ago, Calvin set his tiger trap and Bill Watterson kicked off one of the best (and by far my favorite) comic strips of all time.
If you haven't picked it up, The Complete Calvin and Hobbes is something that everyone should own. Seriously. Grab it. If you have kids, get them started on it and if you don't, skip out on Netflix for a night and read that instead.
If you haven't picked it up, The Complete Calvin and Hobbes is something that everyone should own. Seriously. Grab it. If you have kids, get them started on it and if you don't, skip out on Netflix for a night and read that instead.
calvin and hobbes,
Thursday, November 14, 2013
I broke down and watched the majority of the Jazz game last night (they won!) and they, surprisingly, looked half-decent.
Richard Jefferson had something of a breakout performance and gave the team a little lift late in the 3rd quarter. It seems that everyone was kind of surprised by it - even the crew in the production department. They made a little snafu when Bolerjack and Harpring (the home announcers) asked them to get the KFC Bucket Chart up so they could show how much better he was last night than in just about every other game so far this season.
I noticed the "FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" error, snapped a picture and sent a Tweet. I figured I'd get a few laughs and that would be that.
The replies blew up for about an hour while I cooked some delicious Top Ramen and I got a kick out of it. Definitely the most popular Tweet I've ever sent out - even more popular than those hilarious Twilight Concert ones.
Didn't think much about it today until my brother sent me a text that said, "Did you see your Twitpic is a top story on Yahoo!?"
Sure enough, it was. Must have been a really, really slow news day. But hey, at least they gave me credit.
Richard Jefferson had something of a breakout performance and gave the team a little lift late in the 3rd quarter. It seems that everyone was kind of surprised by it - even the crew in the production department. They made a little snafu when Bolerjack and Harpring (the home announcers) asked them to get the KFC Bucket Chart up so they could show how much better he was last night than in just about every other game so far this season.
Even the @utahjazz production department has lost all interest in this team. #NOPatUTA
— Trevor Hale (@trevorhale) November 14, 2013
I noticed the "FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" error, snapped a picture and sent a Tweet. I figured I'd get a few laughs and that would be that.
The replies blew up for about an hour while I cooked some delicious Top Ramen and I got a kick out of it. Definitely the most popular Tweet I've ever sent out - even more popular than those hilarious Twilight Concert ones.
Didn't think much about it today until my brother sent me a text that said, "Did you see your Twitpic is a top story on Yahoo!?"
Sure enough, it was. Must have been a really, really slow news day. But hey, at least they gave me credit.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The buzz for Tulip is getting louder.
We officially sold out of the first print about two weeks ago, but people are still talking about it.
Jay Meehan, a columnist for The Park Record, wrote a piece about Mike Farfel and his debut novel yesterday. It's great. I'm a little jealous that Mike got dropped in the same sentence as Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett because those guys are a couple of my literary inspirations, but I'm also proud as hell.
Here's a little preview, but if you want to read the whole thing, head over to The Park Record and check it out for yourself.
We're working hard to get a second printing together and back in the shop and this thing kind of gave me that extra push. That's really the only thing that I regret about this piece - that he's giving press to a book that I don't have any more of at the moment. Total first world problem, I know, but it's still a problem.
Oh well. Soon. I promise.
The Park Record -- When I first met Mike Farfel, I heard a voice in my head telling me to focus, to pay attention, to remain in the moment. I was sporting the glazed look I usually wear to a Dylan show but I knew immediately there were some layers to this Wasatch High School freshman that might elude me if I spaced out in my normal fashion.
Although he didn't flaunt it at all, you had the sense that there was this intellectuality lounging just out of camera range awaiting its cue. His Dylan-IQ, of course, was off the charts but, no matter what the topic, he appeared to be well ahead of the curve. He was obviously on the lam from the ordinary.
Read the rest.
We officially sold out of the first print about two weeks ago, but people are still talking about it.
Jay Meehan, a columnist for The Park Record, wrote a piece about Mike Farfel and his debut novel yesterday. It's great. I'm a little jealous that Mike got dropped in the same sentence as Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett because those guys are a couple of my literary inspirations, but I'm also proud as hell.
Here's a little preview, but if you want to read the whole thing, head over to The Park Record and check it out for yourself.
We're working hard to get a second printing together and back in the shop and this thing kind of gave me that extra push. That's really the only thing that I regret about this piece - that he's giving press to a book that I don't have any more of at the moment. Total first world problem, I know, but it's still a problem.
Oh well. Soon. I promise.
The Park Record -- When I first met Mike Farfel, I heard a voice in my head telling me to focus, to pay attention, to remain in the moment. I was sporting the glazed look I usually wear to a Dylan show but I knew immediately there were some layers to this Wasatch High School freshman that might elude me if I spaced out in my normal fashion.
Although he didn't flaunt it at all, you had the sense that there was this intellectuality lounging just out of camera range awaiting its cue. His Dylan-IQ, of course, was off the charts but, no matter what the topic, he appeared to be well ahead of the curve. He was obviously on the lam from the ordinary.
Read the rest.
mike farfel,
Old News Records,
Monday, November 11, 2013
The Jazz are a terrible basketball team. They haven't won a game yet and have lost 7 straight times (*update - 0-8) to start the season.
Everyone knew they were in for a tough year, but it's hard to say that anyone expected them to be as bad as they are.
Well, that's not true. I fully expected them to be terrible. I told people the Jazz would be lucky if they hit 20 wins this season. The best player on the team (Gordon Hayward) would be the 2nd or 3rd best player on any other team. Enes Kanter and Derrick Favors might be pretty great players someday, but no time soon and I think Alec Burks is the second coming of C.J. Miles. Those are the guys we're going to war with. Those are the Core Four that Jazz Fans thought were going to set the NBA on fire and were happy to get rid of Paul Millsap, Al Jefferson and every other professional basketball player on the roster to make room for.
Trey Burke, the injured starting point guard might help when he comes back, but unless as Spencer Checketts said "Trey Burke better be a solid combination of Chris Paul and Jesus," the Jazz are out of luck.
I admit, I'm taking a little too much pleasure in how bad this team is. After they let every single one of their free agents walk, traded for Richard Jefferson, Andris Biedrins and Brandon Rush then signed John Lucas III in order to turn the team over to the young guys, I knew it would be terrible. Very few people believed me and I spent the summer listening to the accounting dorks on the other side of my divider at work talk about how good the Jazz were going to be this year and that they were going to surprise a lot of people.
They are surprising a lot of people - but not in the way they hoped. After a 115 - 91 loss on Saturday night (which the Raptors lead by as many as 38 points at one time), Toronto Star columnist Cathal Kelly wrote a pretty scathing column about how as bad as the Raptors are, the Jazz are worse.
Let's look at some quotes:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jazz fans are some of the worst people on the planet. I'm always happy when they get a nice reality check.
*I don't know if that's a typo or just a Canada thing.
Everyone knew they were in for a tough year, but it's hard to say that anyone expected them to be as bad as they are.
Well, that's not true. I fully expected them to be terrible. I told people the Jazz would be lucky if they hit 20 wins this season. The best player on the team (Gordon Hayward) would be the 2nd or 3rd best player on any other team. Enes Kanter and Derrick Favors might be pretty great players someday, but no time soon and I think Alec Burks is the second coming of C.J. Miles. Those are the guys we're going to war with. Those are the Core Four that Jazz Fans thought were going to set the NBA on fire and were happy to get rid of Paul Millsap, Al Jefferson and every other professional basketball player on the roster to make room for.
Trey Burke, the injured starting point guard might help when he comes back, but unless as Spencer Checketts said "Trey Burke better be a solid combination of Chris Paul and Jesus," the Jazz are out of luck.
I admit, I'm taking a little too much pleasure in how bad this team is. After they let every single one of their free agents walk, traded for Richard Jefferson, Andris Biedrins and Brandon Rush then signed John Lucas III in order to turn the team over to the young guys, I knew it would be terrible. Very few people believed me and I spent the summer listening to the accounting dorks on the other side of my divider at work talk about how good the Jazz were going to be this year and that they were going to surprise a lot of people.
They are surprising a lot of people - but not in the way they hoped. After a 115 - 91 loss on Saturday night (which the Raptors lead by as many as 38 points at one time), Toronto Star columnist Cathal Kelly wrote a pretty scathing column about how as bad as the Raptors are, the Jazz are worse.
Let's look at some quotes:
Coming in, we knew Utah was bad. They hadn’t won a game. They hadn’t scored more than 93 points since opening night. They have the worst defence* in the league.So we're in for a long, long season here in Utah. It's only a matter of time before Jazz fans start booing their own team. Hell, I'm surprised they haven't started yet.
In reality, we knew nothing. The awfulness of the Utah Jazz is a full-on sensory experience. To appreciate the amplitude of their ineptitude, it has to be suffered through in person. Like waterboarding.
After two hours of this dreck, I’m not sure what the Jazz play. It isn’t basketball. It’s a strange cross between Red Rover and inside-out dodgeball.
Halfway through the second, the usually invisible Quincy Acy was inserted. In the second quarter. Hopefully, the Jazz understand how shaming that should feel.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jazz fans are some of the worst people on the planet. I'm always happy when they get a nice reality check.
*I don't know if that's a typo or just a Canada thing.
Friday, November 8, 2013
I put it off as long as possible. I just couldn't commit to the kind of heartbreak I saw at the end. I knew I'd only be setting myself up for disappointment, but I did it anyway.
Afterwards, when it was all over and I was alone in my apartment, I just felt... sad. I wasn't angry at anyone, and there was no one to really blame, but I was still more than a little depressed. Of course, I knew going into it that it would happen, but I still went through with it. I'm glad I did. It was a learning experience, but it still hurt like hell.
Now I just really, really miss TERRIERS.
If you don't remember that show, you're not alone. It ran for one 13-episode season on FX back in 2010. It was about two private investigators (Donal Logue and Michael Raymond-James) in San Diego who continuously bite off more than they can chew. The writing is great, the characters are fantastic and I loved literally everything about it from top to bottom. There's a larger story throughout the season, but there are also a few "case of the week" type stories that are just perfect for the kind of show that it was.
It was the perfect mix of detective-noir, comedy and drama. Logue and Raymond-James had amazing chemistry and everyone else on the show always gave it their best. Ted Griffin, who wrote the OCEAN'S 11 remake created it, and then teamed up with Shawn Ryan, creator of THE SHIELD to make it happen.
There was so much talent behind and in front of the camera that it should have been around forever. Sadly, no one watched it while it was actually on the air. Shortly after it was cancelled, John Landgraf - who is actually a really, really smart TV executive, which is incredibly rare - did an interview with the LA Times and laid out just why he made the decision to cancel it. Basically, it was the lowest-rated show FX had ever aired.
I'm chalking it up to two things: A terrible title and a horrible ad campaign.
I visited some friends in New York just before the show started airing that year and there were ads for it all over the subway and taxi's and busses and billboards so no one can say they didn't spend money on advertising. But the ads totally misrepresented what the show actually was.
The ads had no effect on me, but once it started airing, all the comic book writers that I admire started raving about it. By then, the season was half over and I didn't have a DVR or Netflix. I was kind of out of luck and not long after, it was cancelled. But it was always in my mind that I'd get to it someday and when I finally did, I just really wished it had gone longer.
Now that ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT has been brought back to life through Netflix, TERRIERS is the next show that everyone is hoping they'll revive at some point. I really hope that happens because I just want to hang out with Hank and Britt for a few more hours.
And in addition to everything I've just written about it, TERRIERS has one of the great TV theme songs and it gets stuck in my head for days on end. Seriously, listen to it then go home, fire up Netflix* and binge through all 13 episodes. And call me when you do. I'll come over and watch them all again. I'll bring popcorn.
*March 2020 Coronavirus Update - It's now available on Hulu. I probably won't come over since, you know, we're not allowed. But text me when you finish it and we'll chat.
Afterwards, when it was all over and I was alone in my apartment, I just felt... sad. I wasn't angry at anyone, and there was no one to really blame, but I was still more than a little depressed. Of course, I knew going into it that it would happen, but I still went through with it. I'm glad I did. It was a learning experience, but it still hurt like hell.
Now I just really, really miss TERRIERS.
If you don't remember that show, you're not alone. It ran for one 13-episode season on FX back in 2010. It was about two private investigators (Donal Logue and Michael Raymond-James) in San Diego who continuously bite off more than they can chew. The writing is great, the characters are fantastic and I loved literally everything about it from top to bottom. There's a larger story throughout the season, but there are also a few "case of the week" type stories that are just perfect for the kind of show that it was.
It was the perfect mix of detective-noir, comedy and drama. Logue and Raymond-James had amazing chemistry and everyone else on the show always gave it their best. Ted Griffin, who wrote the OCEAN'S 11 remake created it, and then teamed up with Shawn Ryan, creator of THE SHIELD to make it happen.
There was so much talent behind and in front of the camera that it should have been around forever. Sadly, no one watched it while it was actually on the air. Shortly after it was cancelled, John Landgraf - who is actually a really, really smart TV executive, which is incredibly rare - did an interview with the LA Times and laid out just why he made the decision to cancel it. Basically, it was the lowest-rated show FX had ever aired.

I visited some friends in New York just before the show started airing that year and there were ads for it all over the subway and taxi's and busses and billboards so no one can say they didn't spend money on advertising. But the ads totally misrepresented what the show actually was.
The ads had no effect on me, but once it started airing, all the comic book writers that I admire started raving about it. By then, the season was half over and I didn't have a DVR or Netflix. I was kind of out of luck and not long after, it was cancelled. But it was always in my mind that I'd get to it someday and when I finally did, I just really wished it had gone longer.
Now that ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT has been brought back to life through Netflix, TERRIERS is the next show that everyone is hoping they'll revive at some point. I really hope that happens because I just want to hang out with Hank and Britt for a few more hours.
And in addition to everything I've just written about it, TERRIERS has one of the great TV theme songs and it gets stuck in my head for days on end. Seriously, listen to it then go home, fire up Netflix* and binge through all 13 episodes. And call me when you do. I'll come over and watch them all again. I'll bring popcorn.
*March 2020 Coronavirus Update - It's now available on Hulu. I probably won't come over since, you know, we're not allowed. But text me when you finish it and we'll chat.
canceled shows,
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Remember all those times I've tried my hand at podcasting without much success?
Okay, the GCAcast went a whole 12 episodes, but that's as close to any type of longevity I've had - and even those 12 episodes took well over a year.
Well, I'm back at it.
I'm sitting in on a football/soccer podcast centered around Manchester United. It's called The Fucking Reserves, or as far as iTunes is concerned, The Reserves Football Podcast. We had to tone down the title (which I'm pretty sure they took from this clip) so they'd accept us and let us be a part of their podcast listings.
I don't pay much attention to soccer. Even last year when I had Real Salt Lake season tickets, I didn't pay much attention beyond what nights the games were so I could plan accordingly. Why I was asked to be part of this podcast still isn't quite clear. But I'm doing it. I don't have a lot of other things going on at the moment. And I like teasing these dudes when they get all riled up and start referring to a team in another country as "we."
Actually, that's probably why they asked me. I provide a smidgen of comic relief and an outsiders look into the English Premiere League. Sometimes it gets a little bit esoteric, so I'm there to step in and ask for an explanation every now and then. Now with a few episodes under our belt, we've kind of figured it out. I have my own little segment at the end called "The Afterglow" which is basically me recapping what I learned as a non-soccer fan over the course of an hour.
If you're at all interested in soccer, Manchester United, Real Salt Lake (we probably won't have much RSL to talk about after tonight, but...) or if you just like hearing my voice occasionally but never get to (You can always call, you know. You never call anymore.) check it out.
It's pretty much all over the place:
and Twitter.
We're having fun, even though sometimes I feel a lot like Scott in the clip below.
I'm 9 days away from driving to Las Vegas and ten days away from checking one of the few remaining boxes off my "Bands I'd like to see while I still can" list.
I'm seeing Nine Inch Nails next weekend, and I couldn't be more excited.
They're on the list along with Bruce Springsteen... and that's pretty much it. I had to get realistic, and as much as I'd love to see Danzig-era Misfits, I know that's just impossible. Even if Danzig teamed up with Doyle and the rest of the guys for an all-Misfits set, I don't think I'd want to see it. That would just be depressing. That guy has kind of lost his mind. I've documented it a couple of times (like here and here) and he's done a few interviews lately that only reinforce that feeling. Look at this excerpt from his interview with The Village Voice last month:
Springsteen is probably never coming to Salt Lake, so I'll have to make a real effort on that front and Vegas is the closest Nine Inch Nails is getting, but I'm not passing it up. From the pictures, videos and reviews I've been seeing it will be one thousand percent worth it.
Plus, it's Las Vegas so I'll get to hit up Ronald's for donuts, Society Cafe for Frosted Flake French Toast and Twin Peaks for comedy and the soul-crushing reminder that most dudes in Las Vegas are exactly what you think they are.
Add all those factors together and I'm really, really excited about it. If you want to check out more pictures of the current tour, go to the Nine Inch Nails Flickr or Tumblr sites. Totally worth it.
I'm seeing Nine Inch Nails next weekend, and I couldn't be more excited.
They're on the list along with Bruce Springsteen... and that's pretty much it. I had to get realistic, and as much as I'd love to see Danzig-era Misfits, I know that's just impossible. Even if Danzig teamed up with Doyle and the rest of the guys for an all-Misfits set, I don't think I'd want to see it. That would just be depressing. That guy has kind of lost his mind. I've documented it a couple of times (like here and here) and he's done a few interviews lately that only reinforce that feeling. Look at this excerpt from his interview with The Village Voice last month:
Glenn also made some waves in the press when he commented to the L.A. Weekly about how he wouldn't have played Wolverine "as gay" as Hugh Jackman did in the X-Men movie. Then, of course, Danzig has revealed what may be interpreted as right wing leanings during his 2011 appearance on the Fox News program Red Eye as well as the "Democrats are fascists disguised as liberals" remark he made to Minneapolis City Pages earlier this year. Oh, and god forbid any journalist ask him about Tom Neely's Henry & Glenn Forever, which features Glenn in a non-explicit, PG-rated relationship with longtime friend Henry Rollins. It's this rigidity in his public persona that makes a photo of him grimacing while carrying kitty litter through a parking lot gain instant internet traction.That's a long-winded way of me letting you know that just about any band besides NIN or The Boss would probably be a massive disappointment. Again, probably. I don't know for sure. Sometimes you take a chance on a reunion and it's great (i.e. The Descendents) and sometimes it's like watching old, out of shape guys trying to reclaim their glory days (i.e. Earth Crisis).
Any attempts to clarify his use of the term "gay" for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine performance or to discuss politics were met with outright hostility, a rant against political correctness and the paranoid accusation that the purpose of this interview was to smear his politics under the pretense of the paper's liberal agenda.
Springsteen is probably never coming to Salt Lake, so I'll have to make a real effort on that front and Vegas is the closest Nine Inch Nails is getting, but I'm not passing it up. From the pictures, videos and reviews I've been seeing it will be one thousand percent worth it.
Plus, it's Las Vegas so I'll get to hit up Ronald's for donuts, Society Cafe for Frosted Flake French Toast and Twin Peaks for comedy and the soul-crushing reminder that most dudes in Las Vegas are exactly what you think they are.
Add all those factors together and I'm really, really excited about it. If you want to check out more pictures of the current tour, go to the Nine Inch Nails Flickr or Tumblr sites. Totally worth it.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
For the time being, anyway.
There hasn't been much going on in the universe of satellite provider copy writing, so I've had plenty of time to work on those "Until My Heart Stops" entries. I've kept a pretty good pace since late summer and I'm actually really excited about the fact that I finished it.
Sort of.
I've been working on these stories for about 8 years now (I wrote the first one in February of 2005) and I've probably matured as a writer a little bit over that time. At least I hope I have. If I haven't, then I'm going to run into some serious problems over the next little while.
This was a huge undertaking and now that the first draft is done, I can move on to the second. I know that I need to let it sit for a while before taking it back out, but that's hard to do. I want to treat this as a real thing and give each character (i.e. real person) an actual voice and make it so it reads not so much like a collection of things that happened, but an actual narrative story broken up into segments. I started out just aping Get In The Van, but now I'm trying to figure out ways to avoid that.
There are a bunch of things I want to accomplish with this and make it more of an autobiography of a ten-year stretch of my life. Those ten years weren't incredibly compelling, but they were a lot of fun and made for some great stories. I'm pretty excited to put it out into the world, but that's still a ways away.
There's rewrites, layouts, pictures and a better title in the future, but for now, it's done. It's a cool feeling to finish something this big, but it also feels a little strange. I kind of thought it would be one of those things I kept plugging away at but never actually got anywhere with.
Thank god for corporate desk jobs with downtime, right?
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
I've gotten away from reviews of stuff I saw lately - and I'm not sure anyone minds - but I wanted to step back in and brag a little about a couple of things I got to see over the past month.
I saw Bill Cosby and Dave Chappelle. Not together, of course. But only a few weeks apart.
Anyone that knows me, knows I've always loved stand-up comedy and comedy in general. When I was a little kid, my parents would take my brother and I to their friends house every Friday night, and we'd hang out with their kids. Usually that would always lead to the kids putting on a show for the adults. My segment was always a stand-up comedy routine and it was always put together from bits I'd stolen from other comics. There was a stand-up show on late Friday or Saturday nights when I was somewhere between 8-12. I'd usually stay up and watch it, sitting right in front of the TV in the basement so I could keep the volume low. I'd always have a tape in and the VCR ready in case someone came on that I recognized. There are probably a few Louie Anderson specials still in the basement of my parent's house.
I love seeing comedians live and seeing both of those guys was incredible.
There's a chance that Chappelle wasn't as good as he once was, but that's debatable. From 2003 to 2006, the man was at the top of his game. That's when CHAPPELLE'S SHOW was on the air and he was at the height of his power. He got sick of fame and walked away from everything and he's been doing sporadic shows ever since.
My friend Brandon compared it to seeing Richard Pryor in his prime, and that may be so, but I'm not sure. We have the benefit of hindsight with these things and that's always a benefit. I'm curious if anyone that was in the theater for the Richard Pryor set that became LIVE AT THE SUNSET STRIP or seated in the audience when Eddie Murphy was going to tape RAW knew what they were going to be a part of. I don't feel like they did.
If you had told me in 2005 that sitting in the audience for a Dane Cook set would be legendary, I probably would have believed you. In 2013, looking back, I don't think anything Dane Cook has ever done could be considered legendary. Not even close. I didn't know that going in though and the first time I heard RETALIATION, I thought it was pretty great. I'm kind of embarrassed that I enjoyed it now.
Back to Chappelle.
Expectations were high and he met every single one of them. It was amazing to see his laid back, slacker style of comedy in person. I'm always in awe when someone can command attention and control an enormous crowd with something as simple as a look. Bill Cosby was able to do the same thing - and he did it sitting in a chair the entire time!
Chappelle riffed a bit from time to time, but he had a set, and bits he'd been working out and you could tell he was working to get back to the level he was once at. He'd still blow just about every other comedian working out of the water, but he was still working.
Cosby's set was more story-driven. He'd told these stories before, but he had the rhythm and beats clearly mapped out in his head and executed them perfectly.
They're both masterful performers and I'm incredibly lucky that I got to see both so close together.
Seeing Cosby was fantastic, but seeing Chappelle was nothing short of inspiring.
I saw Bill Cosby and Dave Chappelle. Not together, of course. But only a few weeks apart.
Anyone that knows me, knows I've always loved stand-up comedy and comedy in general. When I was a little kid, my parents would take my brother and I to their friends house every Friday night, and we'd hang out with their kids. Usually that would always lead to the kids putting on a show for the adults. My segment was always a stand-up comedy routine and it was always put together from bits I'd stolen from other comics. There was a stand-up show on late Friday or Saturday nights when I was somewhere between 8-12. I'd usually stay up and watch it, sitting right in front of the TV in the basement so I could keep the volume low. I'd always have a tape in and the VCR ready in case someone came on that I recognized. There are probably a few Louie Anderson specials still in the basement of my parent's house.
I love seeing comedians live and seeing both of those guys was incredible.
There's a chance that Chappelle wasn't as good as he once was, but that's debatable. From 2003 to 2006, the man was at the top of his game. That's when CHAPPELLE'S SHOW was on the air and he was at the height of his power. He got sick of fame and walked away from everything and he's been doing sporadic shows ever since.
My friend Brandon compared it to seeing Richard Pryor in his prime, and that may be so, but I'm not sure. We have the benefit of hindsight with these things and that's always a benefit. I'm curious if anyone that was in the theater for the Richard Pryor set that became LIVE AT THE SUNSET STRIP or seated in the audience when Eddie Murphy was going to tape RAW knew what they were going to be a part of. I don't feel like they did.
If you had told me in 2005 that sitting in the audience for a Dane Cook set would be legendary, I probably would have believed you. In 2013, looking back, I don't think anything Dane Cook has ever done could be considered legendary. Not even close. I didn't know that going in though and the first time I heard RETALIATION, I thought it was pretty great. I'm kind of embarrassed that I enjoyed it now.
Back to Chappelle.

Chappelle riffed a bit from time to time, but he had a set, and bits he'd been working out and you could tell he was working to get back to the level he was once at. He'd still blow just about every other comedian working out of the water, but he was still working.
Cosby's set was more story-driven. He'd told these stories before, but he had the rhythm and beats clearly mapped out in his head and executed them perfectly.
They're both masterful performers and I'm incredibly lucky that I got to see both so close together.
Seeing Cosby was fantastic, but seeing Chappelle was nothing short of inspiring.
bill cosby,
dave chappelle,
Back in January when I sat down with Mike to make his Top 5 video, the first thing he mentioned was how happy he was that he'd finished the book he'd been working on. The two of us got to talking and I resurrected Old News Records as a publishing company.
The book came out on August 9, 2013 and this past Sunday, November 3, we sold the last copy. The first print of Tulip is officially sold out.
That's pretty fucking amazing.
Mike and I want to thank every single person that bought or read a copy. It's a truly awesome feeling to have that kind of support. Mike is probably way happier than I am because that's his hard work and it paid off.
Not literally, of course. He's not rich or anything (yet).
We're working out the details on a second print and trying to figure out the best way to move forward, but I'm excited that we're already at that stage. I had low expectations going in. It's not that I didn't believe in the book, because I did and still do. It has more to do with the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing as a publisher and had no idea if anyone would buy a book by an unknown author. Granted, we had a lot of help from family and friends, but whatever. We still sold every last copy.
Again, pretty fucking amazing.
So, again, thanks to every last person that came by Craft Lake City, Salt Lake Comic Con or bought one through my shop. We're both incredibly grateful that you'd throw down your money to support a little book like this. Thanks again.
Now if I can only figure out a way to make Old News Records my day job instead of writing bullshit articles about 'No Contract Wireless Internet' my life would be complete. Baby steps though.
P.S. Mike did a quick little interview for the Utah Museum of Fine Arts (where he works) website. You should check that out.
mike farfel,
Old News Records,
Monday, November 4, 2013
A lot of people like to say they've got "a little OCD" because they're particular about something. That's not what OCD is.
Everything in my apartment, everything on my shelves and everything on my desk at work has a place. It lives where I put it and it bothers me when it's not in the right place. But in no way do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I'll still be able to fall asleep if I'm too tired to get up and fix whatever Harley knocked over.
This guy has OCD and he fucking owns it. This is one of my favorite slam poetry pieces I've ever seen.
The guy's name is Neil Hilborn. You can find his blog here, though he doesn't post that much. Still, take a few minutes and watch the video. It's really, really great.
P.S. Yeah, I actually do like slam poetry. Bet you didn't know that, did you?
Everything in my apartment, everything on my shelves and everything on my desk at work has a place. It lives where I put it and it bothers me when it's not in the right place. But in no way do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I'll still be able to fall asleep if I'm too tired to get up and fix whatever Harley knocked over.
This guy has OCD and he fucking owns it. This is one of my favorite slam poetry pieces I've ever seen.
The guy's name is Neil Hilborn. You can find his blog here, though he doesn't post that much. Still, take a few minutes and watch the video. It's really, really great.
P.S. Yeah, I actually do like slam poetry. Bet you didn't know that, did you?
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