Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 So here's the thing... I've decided to retire the blog. 

We had a lot of fun with it, but it's time to try something new, because no one really cares about blogs anymore. 

If you hadn't noticed, I revamped the entirety of last fall, and moved this blog into more of an archive thing. There wasn't much going on here anyway, other than the occasional playlist. I posted once in January of 2022, and not again until December. I've gotten a little bit motivated to write more lately, and wanted kind of a fresh start, so I started a Substack newsletter. This is easier for all of us, because if you actually think you might miss reading anything I have to say, you can subscribe and it'll be sent straight to your email.

The newsletter is called FILLER, after the short-lived zine I made for my booth at Craft Lake City years ago. My goal is to send something out once a week. Maybe it's a playlist, maybe it's a quick rant, maybe it's a short story. I don't know yet. I'm still playing around, and getting comfortable with the Substack interface, learning what works, how it looks, and all that stuff. A lot of cool writers that I look up to have been using it lately, and I thought it would be fun to try it for myself. 

I'd love it if you subscribed (it's free, of course) and gave me some feedback on what you like, what doesn't work, and what you want to see more of.

Everything will be sent out as an email, or you can download the app and get notifications there. You can also just go to the homepage and see everything if you're bored at work one day.

Thanks to everyone that used to (or still) reads the stuff I post. I really appreciate you, and it always makes my day when someone mentions it. Hopefully this is the first step to doing more of it.

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