Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Sometimes I can be photogenic

One day, DF and I are going to make an indie rock record and this will be the insert

No dogs but dawgz are okay. Badum-bum-ching!

"It's all in the reflexes"

The size difference isn't nearly as great as it seems.

Am I a male model yet?

I miss them already.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Things have been good out here. Only rained a bit that second day and it's been nice ever since. Humid, but not raining. Humidity I can handle. Rain I can handle too, but it bugs me since walking is kind of important.

My birthday was last Thursday and I turned 31. You know what that means? It means my ID expired while I was out here. And since the TSA are a bunch of assholes, I can only imagine that trying to get through airport security with an expired ID isn't going to be the easiest thing in the world. So to be on the safe side, my dad went to my apartment, got my passport and over-nighted it out here. Hopefully it gets here before I have to leave for the airport.

On the plus side, I downloaded a Blogger app for my iPad and they finally released a decent one for the iPhone, so I can actually post more things now when I'm not home. Awesome for all of us, right?


Sunday, September 25, 2011


I've been busy.
I Instagram'd and Instagram Instagramming an Instagram
Just peepin' in on Jay Z's place

Against the grain
Parlor games


The top of Casa De Fletcher.

Click me for bigness!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


It's been raining more than it hasn't since I've been here, which means a lot of museums and other inside things. It did let up for a few hours, long enough for Dan Fletcher and I to wander around Central Park without getting drenched.

Saw The Descendents, H2O and The Suicide Machines last night and it was the most fun I've had at a show in a long time. So much PMA it was ridiculous.

Also, I've eaten more delicious food than I can handle. Almost.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Norway - See you next year.


I remember it like it was yesterday.

On Saturday, November 23, 1989 (I had to Wiki the actual release date, which was Friday, November 22) my parents, my brother and I went down to Trolley Corners, the second best theater in Salt Lake City (second only to the Villa) and got in line with hundreds of other people. It was the first time in my life that I’d anticipated a movie as much as this.

The line wrapped all the way through the halls, down one wall and back up the other side. My parents made sure we got there early enough for the afternoon screening that we weren’t stuck at the very end, but we weren’t the first ones there either. I was in awe. I didn’t know there were other people as excited as I was, but there they were. Early one Saturday afternoon, we all anxiously awaited to see what happened when Doc Brown took Marty and Jennifer BACK TO THE FUTURE.

I’d watched the original too many times to count—mostly by convincing my babysitter to figure out how to record it when it came on HBO so I could have my own copy. It was easier than renting it every weekend like I’d been trying and far cheaper than shelling out my allowance money to buy the official VHS copy. I’d been waiting four years to find out what happened next—and this was before the Internet ruined every possible movie well before it started filming. I didn’t even know Part II was coming out until I saw the preview that summer and my excitement began to build.

We piled in that theater and for an hour and a half, I was the happiest I’d ever been. BACK TO THE FUTURE was a bigger deal to me than STAR WARS—but only because I had to wait for the next chapter. I never had to do that with STAR WARS. RETURN OF THE JEDI was the first movie I ever saw in the theater (I was 4, and hid under the coats until the Rancor monster showed up, then I was hooked) and could watch those any time I wanted (also thanks to the VHS pirating babysitter—with the extended long play enabled, you could get six hours on one tape).

With BACK TO THE FUTURE, I had to wait on that cliffhanger, “To Be Continued…” for four years. And when it finally came around, every little bit paid off.

Well, until the camera pulled back with Doc Brown lying in the street and those three words, “To Be Concluded…” came up on screen. At that point I was crushed. I looked around the theater and everyone felt exactly the same. I looked at my mom and dad and even they didn’t know what to say. Luckily, they had filmed both movies back-to-back, the trailer came on immediately after Part II ended and I only had to wait six months for the (admittedly lackluster) third part.

But I digress…

The two things I took to the most from Part II were the Hover Boards (which I heard were real but the government wouldn’t allow their release) and the self-lacing Nike shoes. 2015 was a long ways away, but I always held out hope.

Now it’s 2011 and that commercial at the top there just came on. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t smiling the whole way through it. It brought me back to that morning when I was 9 years old, waiting in line at Trolley Corners for a movie I’d been waiting over half my life to see. And I want them just as bad now as I did then.

Unfortunately, I won’t be shelling out the $3,000 (minimum) for them, but at least I know they exist. That means Hover Boards and self-drying jackets can’t be far behind.

Thursday, September 1, 2011




Do you know what that number represents? That is the number of times I posted this summer. Fourteen times.

5 Videos, a MySpace blog unearthed from 2006, 1 Half-Assed Review, a couple of pictures, a song and a handful of rants (including the Ryan Dunn one that got a lot of attention, apparently).

That's it. In three months time, I posted less than the entire month of May alone. I'd like to say it was because I was off doing amazing things all summer, but that's not true. I was busy with work and the Salt Lake City Film Festival most of the summer. That's what filled up most of my days. Exciting, right?

Meanwhile, my Tumblr is full of the laziest reblogs and bullshit photos while sits here neglected and lonely. Every few weeks I'd tell myself that I'd get back on the horse and start writing again. I wanted to get back to where I was last year at this time, posting anywhere from 20 - 40 things a month. I liked doing it and when people would tell me they enjoyed coming here every day, it made me want to keep going.

Then I just never did. Instead, I'd find anything to keep me occupied and then curse myself later for wasting the night and not writing anything.

Even just now—while I was writing this—I got up to play with my cats for 10 minutes and change my shirt. It's 9:45 PM. I'm not going anywhere. I definitely did not need to leave the desk, but I did. And that's kind of been the problem. My attention span for writing is getting shorter and that's a very bad thing. I have a feeling it's because I don't have to write anymore. I'm not writing my comics article for City Weekly anymore. The music website that I pitched 10 story ideas to fell apart (luckily, it fell apart before I spent what little free time I had doing the work). And the HC scene in SLC is dead, so I don't even want to write anything for GCA anymore.

All I have left right now is this. And I need to make the most of it. Starting now.