Thursday, March 24, 2011


Let me tell you a little bit about this shirt.

The last band I was in was called Collapse. We quit playing about a year ago, but before that we had this idea. We'd planned to do a split 7" with our friends in Xibalba, who were from Los Angeles. It was going to be a Utah Jazz vs. L.A. Lakers themed split, with half the records either purple or gold and the other half either light or dark blue (since this was before they'd officially changed back to the color scheme they're wearing now) and the Xibalba side was going have a picture of Kobe (booo!) and the Collapse side was going to have a picture of D-Will.

We'd planned the layout and everything and while we were at it came up with an idea for a shirt. It was this design, but instead of LONG LIVE SLOAN, it was going to say "WHERE'S THE FUCKING FOUL?!" on the front and COLAPZZ on the back. Great idea, right?

Then none of us ever had any free time anymore, we all started doing our own thing and the band just kind of stopped. Didn't break up, nothing bad happened, we just never practiced again.

But I always liked that shirt idea.

Then, a few days after Sloan quit, it popped back in to my head. I called Candace (since I have no graphic design skills whatsoever) and she designed it for me that night. Then I found a guy willing to print a few for a reasonable price, so I went for it.

Took a couple of weeks longer than I would have liked and they're probably not as good as a few of the other Sloan shirts I've seen pop up since then, but I'm still pretty stoked on it.

If you're interested, I've got a few for sale over at my shop.

Long Live Sloan.

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