Monday, September 6, 2010


Last Thursday was an "unofficial holiday" in pop culture. It was September 2, 2010 which, shorthand, is the zip code of one of the greatest/most ridiculous shows of all time, Beverly Hills 90210.

I've talked about my personal history with that show before and if it's on TV, I'll definitely put it on. It's one of those shows that I can have as background noise when I'm doing other things, but not really pay attention to. I get the gist of each episode and there's always something to enjoy about it.

But last week, one of my favorite podcasts, The BS Report with Bill Simmons dedicated the entire show to 90210, giving out ridiculous awards like "Best Attempt to make Brandon Appear Athletic" and other fantastic categories.

If you're even a casual fan of the show, it's definitely worth checking out. Do it now.

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