Thursday, September 2, 2010


If you live in Salt Lake you probably at least know about 11th Street Tattoo (if not get work done there). But as of September 30, 11th Street will become two separate shops. I have lots of good friends working at that shop (now both shops) and despite what you may have heard, there is no ill will between the guys going different ways.

My man Jake Miller gives the lowdown over at his blog, Victory Come Death, but since a lot of people are too lazy to click links, I'm reposting it below:

"We are moving the shop this month, Luis, Jon, and Gailon will be moving to Yellow Rose Tattoo on 2040 s. 900 e. and Myself, CJ , and Troy will be moving to Cathedral Tattoo on 400 s. 249 e. So, to put down any weird rumors or trash talking right out of the gate, I am going to give you the whole sleazy story. Our landlord, Larry McColm of McColm Commercial Investments is a total butt pie and threw a scare tactic our way a couple of months back, saying he had another tattoo shop ready to move in when our lease is up- unless we wanted to renew it. So we decided to call his bluff and told him we would be out of the space by “blah blah” date. He promptly gave us the “Ohh, yeah about that…” reply. Although Eleventh Street is easy on the eyes and in a great location we decided that we pay entirely too much money for the amount of bullshit he throws at us (no hot water, leaking roof, broken furnace). And, so began the search for a new location. We had some dispute over the area we wanted to move the shop. Some people wanted to move closer to Downtown and some people wanted to stay in the Sugarhouse area. As the weeks passed we exhausted pretty much every available prospect of a new location. During this time we all went through a number of changes in mindset as well as perspective and we ultimately decided to be in separate locations for no other reason than we felt like it was the right way to go. There is no drama, no bullshit and no crazy talk. The amount of mutual respect and love that I have from working with these people for the last ten years is so big that, your heads would explode if you tried to comprehend it. We are continuing to work together, only under separate roofs. I’m continuing to learn from my peers even though I won’t see them everyday and I can assure you that I’ll continue to be on their side no matter where I end up. This split is a step forward, not a step backward and I can assure you that it’s only the next chapter and not the final chapter. The 11th Street shop information will remain intact for the next 12 months. We will be doing our best to keep everybody informed. Please check or call 801.467.4418 with any questions. Yellow Rose Tattoo is now open and accepting walk-ins/ appointments. Cathedral Tattoo will open officially on September 24th, but we should be tattooing in there by September 15th. Thank you for your support."

So there you have it. Head over to both shops and get some work done by someone. And check out the new Ad they're running. Make it bigger. It's totally worth it.

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